Wednesday, January 23, 2008


John said...

Wow You win just because your the first person to post!!!!! hahahahaha lets see who else post next. You lower than a snake belly, big galloot!

hahahaha Thanks JK for submitting!


Pat the Pirate said...

Hah, nice Yosemite Sam, Jerry - glad to see you dropped by :)

Jerry Keslensky said...

Thanks guys, I was looking for a good place to post random drawings etc. Heaven knows I don't waste enough time blogging otherwise. -LOL-
I've been doing Looney Tunes character sketches lately just for fun and practice. My goal in life is to be able to draw as well as Chuck Jones, my childhood idol. Plus it beats doing nude life drawings, well maybe not. I'll do my best to post all sorts of sketches here both old WB characters and original characters too and maybe a few life drawings too (ugh!).

John said...

Yuppers now thas the spirit guys We gotta keep this going and it will be great! If you think about it this could end up being one of the greatist on line interactive comic books ever! and everyone who publishes here will be a part of it! I appreciate you guys getting on board. Oh JK thanks again for kicking it off and Yosimitie was a great upper cut to the story.


Pat the Pirate said...

JK - stop being modest, you could have worked for/with Chuck if you were a little older. Not that I'm wishing any more years on ya :P

Seriously, I'd never be able to tell your Bugs & Yosemite from the old WB toons. They're spot on.

I really look forward to seeing some more of your original stuff as well. John's right, this could turn into a really cool thing. Couple yeard ago there was a site going around I think called "drawball" or something like that. It was just a massive circle & some drawing tools, but an un-godly amount of people ended up getting involved in filling it up. Was a giant mess by the end, but there was a ton of great art if you looked for it. This kinda reminds me of that.