Tuesday, February 05, 2008

whats this? A gruff man with a strange weapon looms in the corner of the salloon covered in black.


pixelmark042 said...

Hey! We dont want any trouble in these parts. There always is, though. God, there is always trouble in these parts. But speaking for me and my horse, we dont want any trouble in these parts!!!

Jephyr! said...
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Jephyr! said...

Bloody 'ell...I'm still learning all the bloomin' buttons 'round 'ere.


So...sheriff...I get the feeling you don't want any trouble in these parts....

Me on the other hand...and begging the Magistrate and his fine steeds pardon...well let's just say a gruff man with a strange weapon looming in the corner of the salloon covered in black...blast it all...now I'm getting all misty eyed again.

Welcome stranger...fancy a game of the flats sometime?